Order Reviews - Introduction

Add and install the plugin

WordPress → Plugins → Add New
Click Upload Plugin and then browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer.
Install and activate the plugin

Enable product reviews in WooCommerce

For this plugin to work, you must enable Product Reviews in WooCommerce

WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Scroll down to Reviews
Activate Product Reviews - Check to activate Product Reviews

We recommend that you activate star ratings to present the customer's rating in a nice way!
Activate star ratings on reviews - Check to activate star ratings in WooCommerce
Star rating should be mandatory, not optional - Check if you want star rating to be mandatory

Set the Plugin

WooCommerce → Settings → Order Reviews

License key - Enter the license key you received in the email from us
Deactivate this license - If you check this checkbox, the license will deactivated for this domain, causing updates to not work. Only toggle this if you know what you are doing or instructed by support!
Email Reminder Order Status - Specify the order status on which Review reminder should be scheduled
Email Reminder Delay (Days) - Specifiy after how many days the Review Reminder should be scheduled
Feedback page URL - Set what the link should look like
Allow reviews image upload - Check if you want the customer to be able to upload photos along with their review
Allow non-logged in users to vote on reviews - Check if you want non-logged-in customers to be able to vote on whether the review was helpful.

Change the email content

The plugin is prepared with pre-filled standard text on topic, introduction and message. Follow the steps below to adjust the text.

WooCommerce → Settings → Email → Scroll down to Order Reviews Reminder
Enable/Disable - Check to activate email with Order Reviews Reminder
Subject - Specify the subject to be displayed in the email
Email heading - Enter text for preview
Email Body - Enter your message to the customer
Email type - Choose which format of email to send (HTML is standard)

Additional settings and features

Send Order Reviews Reminder manually
WooCommerce → Orders → Edit the order
In the box Order actions, select Send Review Email

Block Review Reminder on a specific order
WooCommerce → Orders → Edit the order
In the box Order review settings, check Disable the review reminder for this order?

Find the customer's page for Order Reviews
WooCommerce → Orders → Edit the order
Link to Order Reviews can be found in the box Order reviews settings

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