WooCommerce Feeds - Introduction

Add and install the Plugin

WordPress → Extensions → Add New → Upload plugin
Browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer
Install and activate the plugin

License key

WordPress → WC Feeds → Settings
License key - Enter the license-key that you received when purchasing the plugin from Redlight media.

Create feed

WordPress → WC Feeds → Create New
Add a title
Enter type of feed
Choose whether or not to create Feed automaticallySelect the time when the feed is to be created automatically

Google Product Feed

Feed settings
This is where you set the default information for the feed
Availible settings are:
  1. Rendering time interval (Defaults to Daily)
  • Rendering time - A set time where rendering should start
  • Always serve main feed file - If the main feed file exists, its always served. If you disable this, the feed will be generated every page load. Good for reducing server load.
  • Fragment cache - Every product is cached. This reduces server load in the long-term. Disable for testing purposes
  • Include Categories - Include products under these categories.
  • Exclude Categories - Exclude products under these categories
  • Exclude Adult Products - This excludes adult products from the feed.
  • Product Limit - Limit the number of products, for testing purposes.

Category Settings

This is where you can add settings such as Google Category
Availible settings are:

  • Exclude Category
  • Flag Category as "Adult Category"
  • Product & Variant Settings
  • This is where you can add product specific settings

Availible settings are:
  • ID - Unique Product identifier
  • Title - Name of your product
  • Description - Description of your product
  • Availability - Availability of your product
  • Condition - Condition of the product (defaults to new as per product feed settings)
  • Color - Color of the product (Can be set to take value from attribute)
  • Adult - Is this an adult product? This is useful for excluding adult products in the feed.
  • Brand - The brand of the product - (Can be set to take value from attribute)
  • MPN - Manufacturer Part Number - Identifier from Manufacturer
  • GTIN - Global Trade Item Number - This is usually the EAN of the product.
  • Custom Label 1-4 - This is mainly used for organize bidding and reporting in Google Shopping Campaigns

Settings Inheritance

  1. Feed Settings
  2. Category
  3. Product (top level)
  4. Product Variation

How to upload feed to Google Shopping


Add the url to the feed
Set the time to of when the feed needs to be fetched by Google. 4. In the feed settings, set a timer for when the feed should be generated, atleast 1 hour before Google fetches the feed.

How to upload feed to Facebook/Instagram


Add the url to the feed
Set the time to of when the feed needs to be fetched by Facebook. 4. In the feed settings, set a timer for when the feed should be generated, atleast 1 hour before Facebook fetches the feed.
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