Swish ECommerce - Introduction

Swish ECommerce is a plugin that extends WooCommerce with a payment gateway for Swish ECommerce, allowing the customers to pay with Swish

  • An agreement for Swish ECommerce with your enrolled bank is required
  • WooCommerce 3.0 or newer is required.
  • PHP 8.1 or higher is required
  • A SSL Certificate is required.


Go to WP-admin → Plugins → Add new plugin → Upload plugin
  1. Add the ZIP-file you received from us
  2. Install and activate the plugin

Technical supplier

Contact your bank and set “Redlight Media – WooCommerce” as the technical supplier.

Bank Supports Technical Supplier   Instructions
Swedbank Yes   Select "Redlight media - WooCommerce" as technical supplier via the internetbank.
Nordea Yes   Call Nordeas support and says that you want to add a technical supplier to your existing Swish-agreement
Handelsbanken Yes   Call Handelsbanken support and say that you want to add a technical supplier to your existing Swish-agreement
SEB Yes   Call SEBs support and says that you want to add a technical supplier to your existing Swish-agreement
Länsförsäkringar Yes   Contact your local Länsförsäkringar office to add a technical supplier to your existing Swish-agreement 
Danske Bank Yes    Select "Redlight media - WooCommerce" as technical supplier via the internetbank.

Technical Supplier - Redlight media

If any of the banks asks for the technical supplier credentials or information you find these below.

Organization number:  556958-1654
Swish Number(Technical Supplier ID):  987 641 96 99
Common Name:  ”Redlight media – WooCommerce”


Go to: WooCommerce →  Settings → Payments → Swish

  1. License - Enter the license-key that you received when purchasing the plugin from Redlight media.
  2. Deactivate this license - Tick to deactivate the license for this domain (used for example, when changing domain)
  3. Activate this payment method - Tick this box to activate the payment method
  4. Title – Enter the title for the payment method displayed in the checkout and order confirmation emails
  5. Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.
  6. Message - Enter the message that will be displayed in the "awaiting payment"-page.
  7. Swish Number - Enter the Swish number that you recived when signing up for Swish ECommerce
  8. Technical Supplier - Check this box if you are using Redlight media as your technical supplier
  9. Certificate (not recommended)- This is used when technical supplier is not selected, this allows for client certificate to be used.
  10. Testmode - When this is check no payments will be made, only simulated.
  11. Debug log - Logs Swish events for debugging


Create a product

Go to WP-admin → Products → Add new

Create a product, for example "Swish donations"

General settings for donations

Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Swish

  • Donations - Tick to activate donations
  • Require Basic Information - Tick to require the customers firstname, lastname & email when donating via the form
  • Product ID - Add the ID of the product you created for donations
  • Privacy Policy Text - Enter the text that you want to displayed within the donations form
  • Form Base Color - Set the color that you wish to give your form
Add shortcode for donations
Add the shortcode [swish-donations] to the page where you want your donation form
Change the standard amount for donations
Update the shortcode to [swish-donations amounts=”250,500″] and enter the amounts that you want instead of 250 and 500.
Remove the possibility to "optional amount" for donations
Update the shortcode to [swish-donations amounts=”250,500,1000″ costum_amount=”false”] and remember to set the amounts that you want.


If you set up WooCommerce Subscriptions you can use this function to ad Swish as a payment in your subscriptions
For this to work you need a Recurring Swish Agreement with your bank

Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Swish

  • Subscriptions - Tick to enable Subscriptions Support
  • Your Recurring Swish number - Enter the number for Recurring Swish Agreement that you received when you joined Swish

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