nShift - Hooks (Filters)

Hooks in WordPress essentially allow you to change or add code without editing core files. They are used extensively throughout WordPress and WooCommerce and are very useful for developers.

Read more about action and filter hooks here:
In Unifaun there are some actions and filters available, mainly for modifying the order data sent to Unifaun but also some other internal logics

Settings Filter

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_general_settings'

$settings Array containing the plugin settings

Description: Fired when the plugin is loaded.

This filter can be used to create custom settings displayed in the plugins settings page.

Instance Settings Filter

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_instance_settings'

$form_fields Array containing the plugin settings

Description: Fired when the plugin is loaded.

This filter can be used to create custom settings displayed in the instance settings page.

Return label Date Diff Filter

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_return_label_date_diff'

$default_value integer containing the default value
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to extend or shorten how long the "Return label" button is displayed

Defaults to 30 days, but for example you can return 14 to only display the button for 14 days after orderdate.

Orderlist display PDF

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_order_list_display_download_pdf'

$default_value boolean containing the default value
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to hide the label button on certain orders

Track and Trace URL

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_track_and_trace_url'

$url string containing the default url
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize the url for certain orders

Shipment Product Parcel Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_shipment_product_parcel_data'

$parcel array containing the parcel data
$product WC_Productproduct related to the parcel
$item WC_Order_Item_Productitem related to the parcel
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order
$shipping_method WC_Shippingshipping method related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize parcel data per product

Shipment Single Parcel Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_shipment_single_parcel_data'

$parcel array containing the parcel data
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order
$shipping_method WC_Shippingshipping method related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize parcel data

Shipment Customs Declaration Line Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_shipment_customs_declaration_line'

$line array containing the parcel data
$shipment array containing the parcel data
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order
$product WC_Productproduct related to the line
$item WC_Order_Item_Productitem related to the line

Description: This could be used if you want to customize declaration line data

Shipment Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_shipment_data'

$shipment array containing the shipmentdata
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize shipment data

Shipment PDF Config Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_shipment_pdf_config_data'

$pdf_config array containing the pdf config
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize the document sizes

Return Label Parcel Weight

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_return_label_parcel_weight'

$default_value float containing the default weight
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize the return weight

Return Shipment Data

Filter:   'ac_wc_unifaun_return_shipment_data'

$shipment array containing the shipmentdata
$order WC_Orderobject related to the order

Description: This could be used if you want to customize shipment data

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